Grocery Items

Please continue to scroll down to view the complete list of all our available grocery items.
4020 | Achiote Paste (5# Pkg.) | 4501 | Coriander Powder |
4040 | Base, Beef | 4506 | Cumin, Powder |
4060 | Base, Chicken 5# | 4566 | Cumin, Whole |
4541 | Bay Leaf, Whole | 4030 | Fried Chips, Yellow Corn |
4802 | Beans, Black | 4537 | Garlic, Granulated 30# |
4804 | Beans, Pinto 50# | 4508 | Garlic, Powder (30#) |
4630 | Chili, Ancho (Lbs) | 4517 | Garlic, Salt |
4531 | Chili, Cayenne | 4620 | Hojas (Corn Husks) Enconchadas |
4526 | Chili, Chipoltle Ground | 4958 | Oil, Canola |
4503 | Chili, Crushed | 4023 | Olives, Sliced Green |
4627 | Chili, De Arbol | 4511 | Onion, Granulated |
4130 | Chili, Diced 6/10 Cochise | 4510 | Onion, Minced (20#) |
4137 | Chili, Diced 6/10 Fiesta | 4518 | Onion, Salt |
4139 | Chili, Diced Fiesta Small Cans | 4507 | Oregano |
4150 | Chili, Frozen Strips | 4577 | Oregano, Ground |
4135 | Chili, Jalapeno Canned | 4542 | Paprika |
4155 | Chili, Jalapenos Sliced | 4505 | Pepper, Black |
4288 | Chili, Paste Santa Cruz | 4555 | Pepper, White |
4613 | Chili, Pods | 4823 | Rice 50# Sack |
4623 | Chili, Pods Hot (Lbs) | 4055 | Salad Dressing Ranch |
4648 | Chili, Pods Santaka | 4000 | Shells, Taco |
4544 | Chili, Powder Hot | 4920 | Shortening, Liquid |
4504 | Chili, Powder Mild | 4050 | Sour Dressing |
4625 | Chili, Quagillo | 4233 | Tomato, Bienvenidos |
4299 | Chili, Sauce Las Palmas | 4222 | Tomato, Machacado |
4133 | Chili, Strip Cochise Farms | 4277 | Tomato, Puree 106 |
4138 | Chili, Whole Cochise | 4266 | Tomato, Sauce |
4525 | Chorizo Mix | 4225 | Tomato, Tio Mio |
4500 | Cinnamon, Ground | | |